2023-05-10 Open House

NOTE: No meal service on Wednesday 3/26, Thursday 3/27 and Friday 3/28.

The Benson Multipurpose Center Building B will be closed to the public
for all programming and meals with the exception
of the Tag office and Scheduled Tax Aide appointments on the following *Down Days:
Wednesday March 26th, Thursday March 27th, and Friday March 28th
Regular hours of operation and programming will resume on Monday March 31st

5/10/23, Open House Benson Center Dance (# last 20230510l 141537)
5/10/23, Open House Benson Center Dance (#2A 202305102 1404441)
5/10/23, Open House Benson Center Dance (#3 202305103 1410061)
5/10/23, Open House Benson Center Dance (Achy Breaky Heart 20230510 1357491)
5/10/23, Open House Benson Center Aqua Bike Class (Open House 5.10.2023) 20230510 142958
5/10/23, Open House Event 3rd party video by AirborneMob
See here a selection of videos taken during our Open House Event on May 10, 2023.
Film date: 
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Also see our Disclaimer.