NOTE: No meal service on Wednesday 3/26, Thursday 3/27 and Friday 3/28.

The Friends of the Dorothy C Benson Senior Multipurpose Complex, Inc. (FOB) is a charitable corporation administered by its Board of Directors, granted IRS 503 c3 status March 8, 2004.

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Friends of Benson (FOB) is to advocate, raise funds and support programs and services at the Benson Center for age 55 and older residents of Fulton County so they can live more active and independent lives.

Vision Statement

The FOB vision is for the Benson Center to be a place of self-discovery and connections for aging adults that enhance life experiences.

How does FOB support The Center?

  • Provides supplemental funding for various programs, events and supplies needed in the Multipurpose & Adult Day Center, including the Life Enrichment and Fitness programs.
  • Applied for and obtained a grant for partial funding of aqua bikes; FOB provided the remaining cost of the bikes and funded training for instructors.
  • Sponsored new wood-working and leather class.
  • Sponsored and managed the Uber Pilot Program.
  • Funded the installation and 2-year costs of the building's multi-gig Wi-Fi.
  • Created and maintains the center website:
  • Purchased new laptops for the computer room and classes.
  • Purchased rocking chairs for outside the center. 
  • Purchased new lobby furniture.
  • Manages and funds the support for the Benson Center Rental Program.
  • Sponsors the Valentine's Day, Independence Day, Holiday and Anniversary parties.
  • Purchased the Benson bus and provided monthly maintenance. 
  • Provides funding for the licensing of the Benson Notary Public. 
  • Sponsors the Genealogy Class. 
  • Subsidies the Foot Clinic.
  • Sponsors the weekly "At the Movies" event, showing of the best national and international films.
  • Applied for and obtained a grant for Benson's Swimming Lessons. 
  • Supplies flowers and labor for the Benson Gardens.
  • Applied for a grant to support the implementation of an "On Demand" virtual option for classes. This will expand the reach of Benson's most popular classes. Targeted rollout: 4th quarter, 2020.

Want to support The Center?

There are 2 ways you can help:

  1. If you are an Amazon Prime member, please consider supporting us through the AmazonSmile program.  AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support a charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you.  AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. Simply select Friends of the Dorothy C Benson Senior Multipurpose Complex Inc, Location: Atlanta, GA.
  2. Consider making a tax-deductible donation. You may make a gift to honor someone, memorialize a dear one, or simply to the general program fund. Whatever amount you feel is appropriate for you is perfect with us.

    You can mail your donation to:
         Friends of Benson Inc. Treasurer
         6500 Vernon Woods Drive
         Sandy Springs, GA 30328

    Or donate electronically using the Donate link below (takes you to a secure PayPal site):

Also see our Disclaimer.