Fitness Room Orientation

NOTE: No meal service on Wednesday 3/26, Thursday 3/27 and Friday 3/28.

The Benson Multipurpose Center Building B will be closed to the public
for all programming and meals with the exception
of the Tag office and Scheduled Tax Aide appointments on the following *Down Days:
Wednesday March 26th, Thursday March 27th, and Friday March 28th
Regular hours of operation and programming will resume on Monday March 31st

Fitness room

Orientation is required for all new participants in the Fitness Center.
Thursdays, 1 to 2pm by appointment only.
Call 404-612-2306 to make an appointment.

During orientation you will learn the rules and regulations of the Fitness Room and how to properly use the exercise equipment.

Repeats every week every Thursday until Thu Dec 29 2022 except Thu Nov 24 2022.

Also see our Disclaimer.