Painting Studio


1/10 Benson Center Closure
Fulton County public facilities will close to the public Friday, January 10 based on National Weather Service predictions of a major winter storm expected to arrive Friday morning.
For additional information, click here.


1st Qtr 2025 Acrylic Painting

creative brush
Class Size: 12  A course designed to help you produce successful paintings in acrylics. You will learn how to achieve good composition, design, color mixing, and glazing techniques. You will also receive visual education in art history, painting styles and techniques of masters, as well as personal practice and coaching. Paints, brushes and mediums are provided. Bring your own canvases. Size 16” x 20” preferred.
Surin Jung

2nd Qtr 2023 Plein Air Painting

This class is seasonal, and we paint both on location (during the late spring through fall) and in the studio during the colder and wetter months of the year. The media is open while painting outdoors to Oil, Acrylic and other water-based media as well as drawing media such as pastel, charcoal and graphite. While working indoors in the studio the media is limited to Acrylics and water-based media or drawing media. Acrylic paint media is provided, and I have a limited number of paint boxes for use outdoors. The studio is well stocked and should provide everything you need in materials with exception of canvases.
Charles Scogins

1st Qtr 2023 Plein Air Painting

This class is seasonal, and we paint both on location (during the late spring through fall) and in the studio during the colder and wetter months of the year. The media is open while painting outdoors to Oil, Acrylic and other water-based media as well as drawing media such as pastel, charcoal and graphite. While working indoors in the studio the media is limited to Acrylics and water-based media or drawing media. Acrylic paint media is provided, and I have a limited number of paint boxes for use outdoors. The studio is well stocked and should provide everything you need in materials with exception of canvases.
Charles Scogins

4th Qtr 2022 Plein Air Painting

Class Size: ? This is an opportunity to sharpen your life painting and observation skills. Early Spring through Mid Fall we will meet at a variety of locations and paint the surrounding landscape and on occasion an invited model. If we have a model scheduled it is asked that participants contribute to the model fee. During the Winter through early Spring, we will move inside to the Benson Painting and Drawing Studio.
Charles Scogins

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