Art and Craft

NOTE: No meal service on Wednesday 3/26, Thursday 3/27 and Friday 3/28.

The Benson Multipurpose Center Building B will be closed to the public
for all programming and meals with the exception
of the Tag office and Scheduled Tax Aide appointments on the following *Down Days:
Wednesday March 26th, Thursday March 27th, and Friday March 28th
Regular hours of operation and programming will resume on Monday March 31st

2nd Qtr 2025 Introduction to Genealogy (pm)

Class Size: 10 A beginner's level course that teaches concepts and techniques including recognizing and identifying pertinent information on various types of documents. Learn to evaluate and record your discoveries; develop a research plan; understand genealogy forms and charts and practice using them. You will develop a strategy to accomplish your objectives and evaluate the results. You will also learn to identify the different types of sources documents and the use of citations. Additional areas of learning include verifying family stories; conducting interviews; and conducting online research. A personal laptop is necessary for accessing genealogy research engines. is accessible but can only be used while in the center.
Cynthia Owens

2nd Qtr 2025 Printmaking/Bookmaking

Print Making
Class Size: 8 In this class we will explore the art of making prints using a soft carving block. You can then print multiple images with this block using different colors of ink. Subject matter to print will be offered. If you have printed in the past, there are larger printing plates to work with. We will then take one of the prints and make an accordion book. Instructions with other books will be given. You will go home with one of your prints framed. No experience needed, just enthusiasm and a desire to have fun.
Bonnie Diamond

2nd Qtr 2025 Acrylic Painting

creative brush
Class Size: 12 A course designed to help you produce successful paintings in acrylics. You will learn how to achieve good composition, design, color mixing, and glazing techniques. You will also receive visual education in art history, painting styles and techniques of masters, as well as personal practice and coaching. Paints, brushes and mediums are provided. Bring your own canvases. Size 16” x 20” preferred.
Surin Jung


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