Conference Room A and B

3rd Qtr 2023 Genealogy

Class Size: 10 A laptop computer is necessary for this class - cannot be done on a phone but you can use written charts or enter your tree on a genealogy website and work from that. This class will show you how to access records that will put you onto a road of discovery as to who you really are. It will also help you to organize family records and pictures. Discover and document your family history and leave a record for your children. You and your family are a part of history! 
Dee Notaro

Nutrition as we Age Seminar

As seniors age, nutritional needs change.

Come and receive nutrition information for older adults to eat healthy, reduce disease risk, and deal with changes that affect appetite and eating.

Speaker: Jennifer Jones, fitness nutrition specialist, active aging nutrition specialist.

Thursday, March 23, 2023 - 10:00 am
Benson Center - Conference Room A & B
Sign-up at the front desk.

Maintaining Mobility Hybrid Workshop

Maintaining Mobility Hybrid Workshop is presented by Physical and Occupational Therapists ANNE ROHLING, PT, DPT and ABBEY WRIGHT OT

Host: Ronald MacAuley, Social Services Coordinator at the Dorothy C. Benson Multipurpose Facility

Date and time: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 1:00pm 

Available on Zoom and In-person, light refreshments will be served for attendees.

Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 974 9651 9298

1st Qtr 2023 Genealogy

Class Size: 10 Please note: a computer is necessary for this class – No iPads/or phones will suffice. This program will provide you instructions to access records that will put you onto a road of discovery as to who, you really are. This class will help you to organize family records and pictures. Discover and document your family history and leave a record for your children. Recording can also be done by hand rather than computer.
Dee Notaro

Atlanta Senior Home Share

Many older adults in the Atlanta community live independently but feel isolated. Home sharing programs match adults who may have more house than they need with adults who are seeking affordable housing. Our program carefully matches each homeowner and seeker with a safe, vetted home sharing partner. This matching provides companionship to each participant, and agreements on rent and home responsibilities are unique to each match.


Also see our Disclaimer.

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